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How to practise eurythmy online?

The GEPs of Good Eurythmy Practice *

How to begin

  • Take time to arrive at yourself.
  • Allow your body to respond and notice how it feels being seen.

What to pay attention to

  • Don't lose yourself in the tasks. Stay connected with yourself.
  • Try to do what you understood. Avoid imitating what you see.
  • Trying is what matters. Your body will take care of the rest.
  • At the end of an exercise, let your arms come back to your center.
  • Allow your breath to respond and only then let go.

What to look out for

  • Try to perceive how counterflows are at work.
  • Allow the inner counterflows to arise through being present in your body.
  • Counterflows happen simultaneously, or as a result of letting go.
  • Have you experienced moments when you felt like you didn't do the movement yourself?
  • Do you notice becoming upright from an exercise.
    That's the aim!
  • Does your body express gratitude? In what way?
    Just notice it.

How to end

  • Keep alive what you have been doing and sit down mindfully.
  • Listen to what is resonating within your body.
  • It is not important that you have many perceptions while listening.
  • For example, ask yourself which shoulder feels wider or higher than the other?
  • Any little impression or inner feeling is equally important.
  • Allow yourself to be surprised!
  • Your body is a human being too!
  • Just like you, it gains strength when it feels seen.

* We use the term GEP (Good Eurythmy Practices) according to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) regulations. GMP guidelines provide minimum requirements that a manufacturer must meet to prevent harm from occurring to the end user. The GEP guidelines care for the benefit of the practitioner.